Category: News

Nipper Lives On! An Interview with Trish Saunders

Interview by Callum Galbraith  Jobs within the media can be busy enough at the best of times, but in July 1981, things became very eventful indeed for HMV Events and Marketing Manager, Trish Saunders. Working with Tony Brainsby Publicity, Trish embarked on a hunt for a real life canine lookalike of our much loved Nipper,… Read more »

Royal Opening of the Global Academy UTC in Hayes on April 20 2017

Royal memorabilia held by the EMI Archive features as the Global Academy is opened by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry The Global Academy, a new university technical college founded by entertainment group Global, was officially opened by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry in Hayes, west London on… Read more »

Mike Donaghue: 14 March 1932 – 27 March 2017

For those friends and industry colleagues who may not be aware, former HMV employee Mike Donaghue sadly passed away recently following a short illness. Mike died peacefully at his home in the early hours of 27th March 2017. To say that Mike was a loyal company man would be a gross understatement. Mike joined the small… Read more »

The day John met Paul

Unique is an overused word but if there was a day that changed popular music forever, July 6, 1957 was that day! By David Hughes Not that anyone knew it at the time, or probably for the next five or six years. In the late 1950’s British music world, skiffle was King. Skiffle was a… Read more »

Dr. Alan Kelly: June 1928 – December 2015

 A “doyen” is defined as a senior member of an establishment and, if discography is – or discographers are – an establishment, then Alan Kelly who died in December 2015 was certainly a doyen of discographers. Alan was born in Girvan on the Clyde in Scotland. He took his MA at Glasgow in 1948 and… Read more »

Isambard Thomas visits the ‪EMI ArchiveTrust‬ in Hayes, and learns about the invention of stereo sound from Simon Blumlein.

THE great, great, great grandson of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Isambard Thomas meets Simon Blumlein, son of Alan Blumlein the inventor of stereo. The inventor’s son, Simon Blumlein, spoke with Mr Thomas during his visit about their respective ancestors’ historical link to Great Western Railways, EMI and Hayes. With thanks to Isambard Thomas and Simon Blumlein.… Read more »